Microbiology International Congress, 24-30.07.1966, Moscow. University of Moscow, microscope, bacteria, viruses.
For the youth. Borda-Kreis um 1800; Theodolit um 1810; Spiegelfernrohr um 1770; Äquatoreal um 1820; Mikroskop 1790; Binokularmikroskop um …
Chemist. From the series ‘Arbeiter für den Fünfjahresplan’ (Worker for the five-year plan).
VEB Carl Zeiss, Jena, 1846-1956. Ernst Abbe; Carl Zeiss.
Annual fair, Leipzig 4-9.9.1955. Exhibition hall II/III.
100 years material research in Berlin, 1871-1971.
Annual autumn fair, Leipzig, 1965. Jubilee fair, 1165-1965.
15 years GDR. Student with microscope.
100 years Carl Zeiss Foundation, 16 May 1989, Jena. Interforenzmikroskop JENAVAL interphako; Ernst Abbe; Zweikoordinatenmeβgerät ZKM …
Albert Schweitzer 1875-1965.